Environmental Responsibility

    Since 2007, the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer (S.B.M.) Group has committed itself to carrying out numerous actions to help protect the environment by establishing its Sustainable Development Charter, whose commitments are renewed and strengthened every four years.

    The 4th Sustainable Development Charter “Go Sustainable” (available here) was signed on 27 October 2022. The S.B.M. Group is committed to carrying out twenty-two concrete actions, organised around four pillars, between now and 2026.

    • Management of Sustainable Development: taking a structured approach to sustainable development by ensuring that our commitments are in line with those of the Principality, by pursuing our CSR certifications and by continuing to roll out training on subjects related to sustainable development in all areas of our business.
    • Communication with our customers and stakeholders: engaging in broader and more transparent communication and developing new, environmentally-friendly offers for customers.
    • Decarbonisation: working towards the objective of reducing our direct greenhouse gas emissions by 55% by 2030, with an action plan taking into account purchasing, electric mobility, the circular economy, the reduction of waste at source, the development of renewable energies and the management of our digital footprint.
    • Reuse, recycling and preservation of our natural heritage: preserving sources of drinking water, eliminating dangerous products where there are alternatives, better end-of-life management of products, reusing and recycling waste and supporting local biodiversity projects (honey, kitchen gardens, LPO reserve).

    In 2019, Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer also signed Monaco’s National Energy Transition Pact and made commitments in the areas of:

    • Mobility: developing low-carbon modes of transport;
    • Waste: an active policy of recycling, reducing waste and fighting against food waste;
    • Energy: saving energy and developing renewable energies.

    The sustainable development policy is led by the headquarters, with a CSR committee, the Purchasing Director, the Sustainable Development Manager and a Sustainable Development Officer. The strategy is integrated and regularly reviewed with the central management teams of different areas of the business (infrastructure, technical, IS, marketing). The implementation of actions on the ground is assured by green representatives and their Green Team in each establishment with Green Globe certification.

    In 2023, SBM has 11 Green Teams within its establishments working towards achieving the Group’s objectives. The Group’s 4 hotels, the Thermes Marins Monte-Carlo, the Café de Paris Monte-Carlo, the One Monte-Carlo and the headquarters located at Aigue-Marine have Green Globe certification. The Casino Monte-Carlo is actively preparing for achieving certification in 2023/2024.

    During the Covid-19 pandemic all the S.B.M. Group hotels maintained and renewed their Green Globe certifications.

    These serious commitments to protecting the environment also concern the Group’s significant works and investment projects, such as the renovation of the Hôtel de Paris Monte-Carlo and the construction of the One Monte-Carlo conference centre, completed in 2019, for which BREEAM (BRE Environmental Assessment Method) standards, the world’s most well-known guidelines, were used to evaluate choices about design and new works. For the upward extension of the Aigue Marine headquarters, the BD2M (Bâtiment durable monégasque) guidelines were favoured, as they were developed specifically for Monaco and promoted by the Principality’s government.

    Rigorous and strict respect of certification criteria and external audits is a significant assurance for third parties and in particular the international clientele of the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer Group that concrete actions are carried out.

    Detailed information about all the Group’s commitments and results in terms of the environment and sustainable development can be found in the Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer Group’s Extra-Financial Performance Declaration in the Universal Registration Document. 

    Social, societal and environmental responsibility

    Environmental responsibility
    Societal responsibility
    Social responsibility

    Contact us

    Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer
    Place du Casino
    MC 98000 Monaco