With more thanthirty restaurants within its Resort, Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer is a major player in the world of gastronomy. Starred restaurants, Italian gastronomy, Parisian brasserie, there is a dedicated table for every taste, every moment of the day and every occasion.
Monte-Carlo Société des Bains de Mer
Place du Casino
MC 98000 Monaco
+377 98 06 60 00
T. +377 98 06 25 25
F. +377 98 06 26 26
Email: resort@sbm.mc
T. +377 98 06 17 17
F. +377 98 06 59 56
Email: groupes@sbm.mc
Website: montecarlomeeting.com
Open daily from 10am to 7pm and until 8pm in the summer.